Tools & Dashboards

Here are some shortcuts to the FAANG FIRE customizable dashboards, analysis, and other tools I personally use to help me on my path to FIRE.

Custom Dashboards

Total Comp + RSU Dashboard & Equity Value Tracker

I created this dashboard for my personal use. With Meta & Uber RSUs constantly moving I honestly didn't know my overall compensation. If RSUs are a significant part of your compensation package, then this dashboard will help you finally understand how much you make.

Make Your Own Copy

Remote Work and FIRE City Relocation Analysis

Calculating How Many RSU’s California Taxes Even if You Leave

Third Party Tools I Recommend

I use and test a large number of tools each year that help me on my path to FIRE. Most that I use I wouldn’t recommend but the ones mentioned below are ones I personally use. Some include affiliate links which earn me a commission for new sign ups, but they will not appear on this list unless I use them.

If you previously used Mint and are looking for an alternative, I broke down my preferred alternatives to Mint, both free and paid.

Personal Capital (Rebranded Empower)

By far my favorite free tool for tracking my overall net worth and investments. I regularly use it for monitoring my top level net worth, tracking asset allocations across all my investments, their savings planner, and they have one of the best sets of retirement projection tools available.

FTC Disclosure: Empower Personal Wealth, LLC (“EPW”) compensates FAANG FIRE for new leads. FAANG FIRE is not an investment client of Empower Advisory Group, LLC.

You Need a Budget

I ground all my FIRE plans off a strong understanding of my current spend. You Need a Budget, or YNAB for short, is my favorite paid budgeting tool if you are serious about wanting to understand your spend. It is intentionally manual at times, but helps force you to assign every dollar to a job. This intentionality is something I encourage everyone to do at least for a year to understand your personal trends.

New Retirement

The accumulation phase of FIRE is only a small piece of your overall financial life. New Retirement’s tools help you plan what happens after you pull the trigger. There isn’t a better paid tool out there that allows as much deep scenario planning and projections as NewRetirement. Their Roth Conversion calculator is one of my favorite features and helps me answer the questions around how I would optimally access my FIRE nest egg when I finally pull the trigger and retire early.


WealthFront has been leading the way in terms of the future of banking and robo advising. While that is what they are most known for I use them for a different reason. They are a key part of my emergency fund. They routinely offer some of the highest rates and throughout 2022-2023 have been among the first to raise their savings rates. In addition, their retirement projection tools are also first class. Even if you don’t use their robo-advising, you can still access their full suite of free tools.

Projection Lab

A newcomer in the FIRE tool space. Projection lab is a solo-project that is gaining a strong following within the FIRE community. The developer is actively making improvements and I am really excited about the trajectory and power this tool is providing.
